

the innate intelligence of your heart to speak

Clarity Emerges | Dormant Potential Awakens |  Peace, Love & Abundance Flow 

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Free Heart 


Find what is blocking your next level of personal or professional expansion and remove it during this guided meditation.


Meet our




"Nothing is more important than the relationship between YOU and YOU. Turn your Inner Critic into your Inner Coach!"




 Your Heart   


Get Out of Your Head for Awhile

Nervous System Reset & Relationship Reboot

7-Day Online Course that gently guides you to wake up your heart.


SisterCoach Collective

Are you looking for your next level of expansion & awakening? Our model works faster than meditation, yoga, or therapy. Give & receive 1:1 expansion techniques specifically created for women without fees.

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1:1 Private Quantum Expansion with Jamie

Start here if you need MASSIVE, RAPID transformation NOW. 

Experience It




In 2021 I brought my bestie (and sister) Lisa on board. She is also a crazy talented coach, healer & spiritual guide.

Over the past 7 years, we have helped over 1,000 women have breakthroughs and spent well over 10,000 hours on the phone with each other looking at root causes, themes, patterns, and what ultimately causes transformation in women and fused it all into an easy to use formula.

We now share our beautiful method for Quantum Change inside our Expansion Academy. Any woman can learn this modality and guide other women with it. We hold nothing back!




"I cannot believe how much my life has changed!"


"I cannot believe how much my life has changed since finding you ladies and your amazing program! I was in pain, burnt out, and unfulfilled. I knew I felt drawn to a more spiritual style of coaching than the health coaching I had been doing, but didn’t know where to start. Your Expansion Academy has provided all I needed to have my own quantum shift and I’ve already been able to guide others. Thank you for sharing your modality with us!" - Michelle

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National Dental Hygiene Month!

You do so much to care for others, that we want to pour into you this October with this

FREE 2.5 Hour Heart-based Somatic Release Workshop



Collective Thoughts


A Blog by Our SisterCoaches™️

Bring Any Vision to Life

Aug 17, 2024

Why Traditional Therapy & Coaching Do Not Help Most Women

Dec 20, 2023

3 Steps to Consciously Create Your Ideal Home